Brigitte Cheyrou Arts and Travel

Notes of my being an artist as well as a leader/organizer of trips with small groups to different places, of interest to artists and non artists alike, such as Provence, Morocco, Taos, and for the adventurous, Thailand and the Philippines, etc.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


It was 7.30 in the morning of February 4th when I left Seoul for Hawaii. It was an interesting voyage, first a 3 hours hop to Tokyo followed by an 8 hour wait before my next flight, which was 9 hours to Honolulu -Where the time was exactly 7.30 am of the feb. 4th. The same that is was when I left Seoul .....keep you young!

I stayed at the International Hostel who were looking for a vonlonteer to prepare a big supper for the evening, for all the residents of the moment, about 20 in all, so that we could get to know each other.
I put my name forward and became Chef-of-the-Day responsible for establishing a menu, doing the shopping, and of course the cooking. I also became a movie-star as the whole thing was filmed for the Hostel' s publicity. you can see it at Kauai International Hostel
this was our meal: Salade a la provencale, cucumber a la creme, two larges Crabs, Shrimps, ten filets of salmon served on a bed of onions and mushrooms, accompanied by rice, baked tomatoes and zuchinis a la provencale followed by a selection of cheeses....a grand succes

Seoul 7.30 le matin le 4 fevrier , Tokyo apres a peu pres 3 heures de vol, Tokyo 8 heures d'attente , Tokyo - Hawaii, 9 heures de vol et j'arrive le 4 fevrier a 7.30 du matin, meme heure, meme jour que mon depart....
j'etais installee depuis la veille a l'international hostel qui demandait un volontaire pour preparer le dinner de tous les residents du moment, initiative pour favoriser les contacts entre nous , une vingtaines de personnes en tout.
Je me propose comme Chef pour cet evenement, je dois etablir un menu, faire les courses, et preparer le souper pour tout le monde en plus d'etre filmer pour les besoin de l'Hostel
vous pouvez voir le petit film sur: kauai international
au menu il y aura , salade de tomates a la provencale, salades de concombres a la creme ,
deux gros crabes, des crevettes , du saumon 10 filets sur un lit d'oignons et de champignons , du riz , des tomates et des courgettes au four a la provencale, des fromages ..... Grand succes!


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