Brigitte Cheyrou Arts and Travel

Notes of my being an artist as well as a leader/organizer of trips with small groups to different places, of interest to artists and non artists alike, such as Provence, Morocco, Taos, and for the adventurous, Thailand and the Philippines, etc.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

le printemps en Provence

After my trip around the world , I spend springtime in Provence , at the farm in mounts of Vaucluse , spending sometimes in the Luberon valley, met a friend in Marseille and hiking near the Pyrenees mountain, walking in Lyon the day of the music festival wonderful time

Apres mes periples autour du monde , une petite alte vers les monts du Vaucluse et du Luberon en passant par Marseille, un détour vers Port Leucate et Lyon m ont fait découvrir les merveilles du sud de la France meme si le temps n était pas toujours charmant

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

the Grand Canyon- le Grand Canyon

As the little girl which I was, I used to dream great dreams of great voyages.Often these were of Sahara desert and the Gand Canyon.
I have been lucky enough to see a wonderful sunset from the desert dunes , but never the grand Canyon. 20 years in Canada, 16 years in the U.S. I had not found anyone to accompagny me to this fabulous place...But then...Grace of a good "witch " magic wand , I was invited to discover this place which I had waited to see for a long time.
After having passed Flagstaff , it is the entrance to the park and after a few Kilometres...The VIEW is exactly, but even more huge than the little girl had imagined 50 years earlier! It was the sunset with its colours of rose and orange....The little girl was astounded, the woman I now am cried joyous tears before this jewel and the realization of a long dream!!!!

la petite fille que j'etais, avait de grands reves de voyages et un de ses reves en plus du desert du Sahara etait le Grand Canyon , j'ai eu la chance de voir le coucher du soleil sur les dunes du desert mais toujours pas le Grand Canyon ....20 ans au Canada, 16 ans aux Etats Unis je n'ai trouve personne pour m'accompagner dans ce lieux fabuleux....Et puis grace a la baguette magique d'une fee me voila invitee a faire cette decouverte que j'attendais depuis si longtemps!
Passe Flagstaff , c'est l' entree du Park et apres quelques kilometres ....La VUE c'est exactement et en plus grand encore ce que la petite fille avait imagine quelques 50 ans plus tot ...c'etait l'heure du coucher de soleil avec ces couleurs roses et orange ...La petite fille etait ravie , la femme a verse quelques larmes devant ce bijou et la realisation d'un long reve...

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Puerto Vuallarta - Bucerias

Un apres midi en me promenant j'ai vu des jeunes ecoliers pratiquer une danse regionale. Une grande affiche parlait d' un concours de danses regionales par les jeunes des ecoles...
je suis arrivee pres de l'estrade vers 19.00h ou le spectacle etait commence, beaucoup de mexicains , de parents mais peu d'etrangers comme moi.
J'ai rarement vu un spectacle aussi bien prepare, les costumes si colores des differentes regions du Mexique, les maquillages des jeunes les rendaient encore plus fabuleux et la musique! il y a meme une region qui a une musique d'inspiration francaise qui date de la colonisation...j'ai vraiment ete transportee...J'ai trouve dommage que peu de mes compatriotes faisaient parti des spectateurs . J'ai passe une magnifique soiree , regrettant seulement apres 20.00h le soleil etant parti pour d'autres horizons , mes photos ne sont pas terribles...Surtout que les plus ages des jeunes avec leurs costumes a la Frida Khalo dansaient comme des anges!


One afternoon while I was poking around in town, I came upon a group of young students practicing a regional dance, near a large banner annoncing a show and competition among the schools that evening. I came back around 7 pm for start; the spectators were mostly locals, lots of parents of the dancers of course but few visitors like myself.
I have rarely see a show so well prepared, the wonderful coloured of the costumes of the different regions of Mexico; the way the young people were made-up and everything made even more fabulous by the music..
There was also surprisingly region who's music was of French inspiration , dating back to colonial times. It was infortunate that so few of my compatriots were among the spectators- I was totally transported by the whole experience, my only regret being that the sun left for other horizons around 8 pm , I could not take good photos , especially those of the older dancers in their costumes a la Frida Khalo, dancing like angels!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007


J'ai toujours imagine Hawaii comme un petit paradis et bien c'est vrai! Je l'ai vu! Waikiki ca s'appelle!
Des colliers de fleurs, Elvis et ses copines sur la plage qui dansent au son du yukulele, des surfeurs et surfeuses dans des corps magnifiques, des magasins superbement inabordables mais qui font plaisir aux yeux, des hotels somptueux ou presque chaque jour une jeune mariee se fait prendre en photo, du luxe partout , une joie de vivre qui ne pouvait que me plaire......une ville qui nous fait oublier que Pearl Harbor est a une dizaine de kilometres ....

I had always imagined Hawaii as a small paradis and that was exactly true! I have seen it and it is call Waikiki.
the images are those of colourful garlands of flowers; Elvis and his friends dancing on the beach to the music of ukelele's; the surfers boys and girls with magnificiant bobies; the upscale boutiques, totally unafortable but with wonderful merchandise for the " pleasure of the eyes"; the somputeuse hotels where young bride daily have their wedding photos taken ; luxury is everywhere and a " joie de vivre" in the atmosphere which please me very much; a town wich makes us forget that Pearl Harbor is only ten miles or so away....


It was 7.30 in the morning of February 4th when I left Seoul for Hawaii. It was an interesting voyage, first a 3 hours hop to Tokyo followed by an 8 hour wait before my next flight, which was 9 hours to Honolulu -Where the time was exactly 7.30 am of the feb. 4th. The same that is was when I left Seoul .....keep you young!

I stayed at the International Hostel who were looking for a vonlonteer to prepare a big supper for the evening, for all the residents of the moment, about 20 in all, so that we could get to know each other.
I put my name forward and became Chef-of-the-Day responsible for establishing a menu, doing the shopping, and of course the cooking. I also became a movie-star as the whole thing was filmed for the Hostel' s publicity. you can see it at Kauai International Hostel
this was our meal: Salade a la provencale, cucumber a la creme, two larges Crabs, Shrimps, ten filets of salmon served on a bed of onions and mushrooms, accompanied by rice, baked tomatoes and zuchinis a la provencale followed by a selection of cheeses....a grand succes

Seoul 7.30 le matin le 4 fevrier , Tokyo apres a peu pres 3 heures de vol, Tokyo 8 heures d'attente , Tokyo - Hawaii, 9 heures de vol et j'arrive le 4 fevrier a 7.30 du matin, meme heure, meme jour que mon depart....
j'etais installee depuis la veille a l'international hostel qui demandait un volontaire pour preparer le dinner de tous les residents du moment, initiative pour favoriser les contacts entre nous , une vingtaines de personnes en tout.
Je me propose comme Chef pour cet evenement, je dois etablir un menu, faire les courses, et preparer le souper pour tout le monde en plus d'etre filmer pour les besoin de l'Hostel
vous pouvez voir le petit film sur: kauai international
au menu il y aura , salade de tomates a la provencale, salades de concombres a la creme ,
deux gros crabes, des crevettes , du saumon 10 filets sur un lit d'oignons et de champignons , du riz , des tomates et des courgettes au four a la provencale, des fromages ..... Grand succes!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Imaginez, c'est grand comme un pate de maisons , c'est froid et humide comme un hiver a Montreal, Ca sent bon l'iode, la mer, le poisson, les coquillages... il y a des aquariums immenses pleins de droles de creatures qui feront les delices de nos palais ....Les vendeurs , vendeuses crient , marchandent pour se debarrasser au plus vite de leur stock, tout ca a l'air d'une vaste fourmiliere et ou les clients grossistes ou detaillants comme nous se cotoyent pour avoir le meilleur a plus bas prix.
C'est une sortie tres prisee par les Coreens, aller dinner au Marche!
quand vous arrivez vous commencer par regarder ce qui vous plairait le plus, ensuite vous faites le tour des vendeurs pour comparer les prix , ca peut prendre un certain temps surtout si vous ne parlez pas coreen...
Quand votre choix est fait vous allez au premier etage ou il ya une multitude de petits restaurants qui se feront un plaisir a vous preparer vos achats. En attendant vous pouvez deguster du poulpe cru qui bouge encore dans votre assiette tout en buvant du soju!

SEOUL , SOUTH KOREA one night _ COREE DU SUD un soir

This was my second visit to Seoul and I can tell you that the cold end of January may not be the best season to visit this wonderfully interesting city, full of life, where the population appears to be all very young! there are many universities which share a large number of students from all over the world resulting in a full and active city-life.
My daughter discovered this environment as an exchange student and, having finished her study-year returned to start her career as a teacher of English.
On Friday night she and her friends decide to take me to one of bars in the students quarter; there the dance music was loud , the beer never stopped being poured, we all entered into the spirit of the occasion. We did not leave until around 4 in the morning with our heads still full of music - Certainly a rare event for me ! Although I dance about as well as a rock at the bottom of the ocean and have absolutely no sense of music , I passed one of the most beautiful crazy nights dancing non-stop until the small hours of the morning!
Thank you my wonderful daughter , it was because of you!

c'est un deuxieme sejour pour moi a Seoul. Je dois dire que fin Janvier n'est pas la meilleure saison pour visiter cette ville si interessante, pleine de vie ou la population me semble extrement jeune. Plusieurs universites se partagent une grande quantite d'etudiants venus du monde entier ce qui donne une vie riche et tres active....
Ma fille a passe un an dans cet environnement et apres avoir termine ses etudes a decide de revenir a Seoul et d'y faire carriere , ou elle y enseigne l'Anglais .
Un vendredi soir nous decidons d'aller dans un des ces bars branches du quartier etudiants ou la musique y est dansante , ou la biere coule a flot et ou la jeunesse se defoule , nous n'en sommes reparties que vers 4.00 du matin la tete et le corps pleins de musique . Pour moi c'etait certainement un evenement , je danse aussi bien qu'une pierre au fond de l'eau et n'ai aucun sens musical j'ai passe l'une des plus folle nuit a danser sans arret jusqu'aux petites heures du matin!
Merci ma grande fille! c'est grace a toi!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Quelle ville, malgre le froid qui me figeait apres deux mois de tropiques, j'y ai fait de merveilleuses decouvertes.
j'ai appris d'apres mon guide, une jeune femme celibataire qui visiblement cherchait un mari, nous racontait que les hommes de Hong Kong allaient , pour se marier , chercher des jeunes femmes sur le continent. Pourquoi ? elles sont tres obeissantes et soumisent en comparaison avec les jeunes femmes de Hong Kong qui sont devenues independantes, modernes et qui ne veulent pas etre sous le controle de leur mari.....Bravo! Mes Dames je vous felicite , il ne vous reste plus qu'a eduquer ces jeunes qui viennent de l'Asie profonde!
Tout en nous parlant des problemes des jeunes notre jeune femme nous a emmene vers le village de pecheurs . C'est un village sur l'eau des milliers de bateaux ou les familles y vivent a l'abri des tempetes et typhoons, toujours d'apres la guide, ces familles auront disparu d'ici quelques annees, les enfants des pecheurs ne voulant pas continuer ce metier si difficile!
Hong Kong c'est la ville du magasinage , du vrai du faux , du beau, du moche vous y trouverez de tout, sauf un mari pour notre guide.


What a city! In spite of the cold which entered into the marrow of my
bones after having spent two months in the tropics, I thawed-out enough to
make some marvellous discoveries. I learned from our guide, a young single
lady who was looking for a husband, that the men of Hong Kong, went to the
continent to find young ladies to be their brides. Why go so far? She
explained that it is because they are obedient and defer to their husbands,
unlike the girls of Hong Kong who have become independent, modern, and who
do not want to be under the control of then men! Bravo! Ladies of Hong
Kong, I congratulate you, there is nothing for it but that you educate
those others from the heart of Asia!
Our young lady guide, while explaining the problems of the youths of
Hong Kong, was taking us to the village of the fisherman. It is a village
of thousands of boats on the water where the families live in the shelter
of the typhoons and storms, however, said our guide, they are in danger of
disappearing in a few years because the children of the fishermen do not
want to follow in their parents footsteps and continue with a kife-wirk
which is so difficult!
Back in town, Hong Kong is a city of shopping, the real and the fake,
the beautiful and the ugly; here you can find everything, except for a
husband for our guide ...

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Palawan Port Barton

Tout petit village a l'ouest de l'Ile de Palawan,sur la cote de la mer de Chine. Il ya une rue bordee de maisons en bois sur pilotis au milieu de la jungle, du cote de la plage deux ou trois guest houses avec de magnifiques jardins, le sable est blanc fin, l'eau y est turqoise, invitante...Il y a un air de laisser-aller, d'etre dans un paradis. Le guest house est tenu par des filippinos, l'electricite du village ne fonctionne que de 17.30H a 22.ooH , il y a un generateur qui appartient a mes logeurs qui fonctionne sur l'heure de midi pour preparer le lunch.
C'est magnifique!
Et qu'est ce qu'on fait toute la journee, pas grand chose, on lit , on mange, on se baigne , on discute avec ceux qui le veulent bien. Chaque jour je fais un tour en bateau, c'est une longue barque tres etroite avec deux barres de chaque cote pour maintenir la balance , une petite tente au milieu pour se proteger du soleil. Cette drole d'embarcation est generalemnt peinte de couleurs vives et est propulsee par un vieux moteur qui tombe souvent en panne au milieu de l'ocean. Ca fait du bruit et ca pue, C'est genial!!
on se promene d'iles en iles , je m'arrete dans de petites criques ou le sable est tellement blanc que c'est eblouissant!
j'aime cet endroit ....J'y reviendrai.


Port Barton is a very small village on the west of the island of Palawn on the coast of the China sea. There is a small street borded with houses of wood perched on stilts in the middle of the jungle; by the beach there are two or three guest-houses with magnificent gardens. the sand is fine white and the water turqoise- very inviting!
There is the air of letting yourself relax to be in the paradise. The guest-houses are philippinos-owned; there is no electricity in the village except between 17.30 and 22.00 however the foresight owners have a generator handy for lunch time.
wonderful life!
And what do we do all day , we relax, read , eat well, swim and have discussion with anyone who would like to have one. Every day I explored by boat, which is a long and narrow with an out rigger on either side to maintain the balance, an awning in the middle to protect us from the sun.
These very interesting means of transportation are generally painted in bright colours and powered by old, noisy and smelly motors which often break down in the middle of the ocean!
We went from islandto island, stopping and exploring the small creeks where the sand is so fine and bright it is stunning. I love this place and will return!!!

Saturday, April 07, 2007

de Puerto Princessa a Port Barton

From Puerto Princessa to Port Barton

Do you know what a Jeepney is? Imagine an ancient Jeep from the war with
Japan, re-painted in vibrant blues and reds, with lace curtains at the
windows (if there are windows), loads of chrome everywhere, statues of the
Virgin Mary and Jesus hanging from the rear-view mirror! Then imagine lts
of noise and clouds of smelly diesel coming of the tail-pipe; no
concessions to anti-pollution here!
The chairs and benches are as uncomforable as they can be, but by some
miracle these curiosities start, cough, belch and run well and have been
doing so since the war! On Palawan, I took a 6 hour voyage in a large
Jeepney which traversed the jungle on a narrow dirt track, often flooded by
the great rains of November! There were many exciting mud-pits to cross and
several times I asked myself if we would ever get out! But yes - we always
did!! It was a magnificent trip, a wonderful experience, and I will always
remember it!

Savez-vous ce qu'est un Jeepney? Imaginez un ancien jeep de la guerre avec le Japon, repeint en bleu et rouge avec des dentelles aux fenetres s'il y a des fenetres, du chrome un peu partout, des Saintes Vierges et des Jesus qui pendent au retroviseur; ca fait beaucoup de bruit, ca pue terriblement, le systeme anti-pollution , connait pas!
Les chaises ou fauteuils sont aussi inconfortables que possible mais par miracle ces engins marchent, roulent, toussent, petaradent depuis la j'ai fait ce voyage de 6 heures qui traverse la jungle sur un chemin de terre et d'eau apres les grandes pluies de Novembre! Deux ou trois fois je me suis demandee si on allait se sortir de ce bourbier!!! Mais oui! et c'est un de mes plus magnifique souvenir

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Going Around the World: Philippine Islands Manila - Coron - Puerto Princesa

Getting there .. Manila to Coron

The small village of Coron is found on an island at the top of Palawan island in the Philippines. You can get there from Manila by a large passenger boat which stops at Coron on its way to Palawan further to the south or by airplane to Busuanga. The plane is a small model for about 18 or 19 people; it arrives at an airstrip in a field which has a log-cabin terminal with a wavy roof. It is in the middle of the jungle. Coming in to land on the short runway the first thing which you see is the wreck of a plane very similiar to the one you are in!

Pour mes Amis Français

Coron est une petite ville sur une île on y arrive par bâteau ou par avion. L'avion est un petit modéle, pour 18 ou 19 personnes,qui arrive dans un champ ou il y a une cabane en bois et en tôle ondulée qui sert d'aéroport. C'est au milieu de la jungle où à votre arrivée la première chose que vous voyez c'est l'épave d'un avion semblable à celui dans lequel vous êtes!!!

Coron to Peurto Princesa

After a few days in Coron, I picked up the the boat, an enormous ferry, on its way to Palawan from Manila. The voyage was one of 12 hours and I immensely enjoyed travelling like a local, not a tourist, it was extremely interesting. There were four immense decks; the top ones are for the tourists and the cabins are less crowded, but are pricey; I chose the lower deck #4, a large dormotory having roughly 300 bunk-beds in it! This was a lively place full of locals in constant movement. When I arrived there, people said to me "You've made a mistake, the tourist accomodation is on the upper deck!" but when I replied that there were plenty of westerners in my country, and that I was exactly where I wanted to be, we talked a lot and I became very special. It was a magnificent voyage!

Le bateau , Le grand FERRY part de Manille , s'arréte à Coron et continue sa route vers Puerto Princesa,ce voyage que j'ai fait et qui dure 12 heures... Le Ferry est immense , il y a 4 ponts ( deck) avec à peu pres 300 lits superposés dans chaque dortoirs.
Le premier est généralemnt pour les touristes est beaucoup plus cher et avec moins de monde dans votre chambre. j'ai pris le 4 éme au fond du bateau avec la foule de Philipinos en mouvance ... on m'a dit " vous avez du vous tromper, les touristes sont en haut" mais quand je leur ai répondu que les touristes je les voyais a l'année longue et que je voulais être avec eux, je suis devenue spéciale , j'ai eu un voyage magnifique....

Now a few words on the security - ho la la!! Before boarding at Coron,
we had to pass through the security checkpoint. All the bags, boxes and suitcases were laid out in a long line, sniffed by the dogs and searched by the guards. Then our travel papers were examined as were we ... it took a long time! On arrival at arriving at Puerto Princesa, the Philippinos passed quickly, while I, a tourist again, queued in front of a small table, such as one you would find in a kindergarden, which was manned by a single officer. Yes, only one, who stamped each of our passports, and copied into a notebook the passport number and date of entry. The line was long; it was late, our legs were tired after the long boat-ride ... but it was still a magnificent voyage!

Friday, March 09, 2007

Adventures with the Tattoo Man - Chez le Tattoo Man

First Visit
The time came, and I went to the house, old and wooden, of the Tattooman. It was really interesting! The first room was where the customers waited. There was a low table couvered with many books full of tattooing and all the walls were covered with photos of the results of his fine work, now I'm there too!
The second room was everything else, his kitchen, bedroom and above all, living room/workshop, where all everyone in the world came to watch the master in action. Whenever he had a new customer, all of his old ones would come to socialize and discuss the work-in-progress ... (imagine if the tattoo was being put on a private part of your body!!)

It was crazy wonderful; the instruments, the colours, the oils, the books, the designs, the walls covered with images of tattoos already done and those to come - and the music, loud music, very loud music - maybe to cover the noise of the tattooing instruments or the noise of the customers being tattooed!

It would be my turn soon ...

et pour mes amis français
D'abord le studio du Tattooman , deux pieces dans une vieille maison de bois , la
premiere piece , une salle d attente avec une table basse recouverte de
livres contenant des tatouages. Les murs sont recouverts des photos des
resultats de tatouages clients, maintenant le mien y est expose.
La deuxieme piece c est l atelier, la chambre a coucher , la cuisine et la
salle ou tout le monde se reunit pour voir le maitre en action, car des qu
il a un client plusieurs de ses anciens clients viennent pour discuter , c
est tres sociale...( imaginez si le tattoo est dans un coin prive de votre
Les intruments , les couleurs, les huiles, les livres, les dessins tout est
la un peu en foulli. Les murs sont couverts de dessins a venir ou deja
realises et la musique! tres forte , la musique est peut etre la pour
couvrir le bruit de l instrument de tatouage, ou pour les cris des clients
incapable de se controler!!!!

et puis moi ...

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Mae Nam on kho samui island ,ville de Mae Nam

tomorrow will be my last day on the island and regret I have to go . It was a wonderful stop where I meet really interesting people. two wonderful women who leave here for now 14 years , a young Canadian girl from Ottawa , town I know very well being there for 20 years, a tattoo man who is going to do a big job tonight .....
two nice people from the island and the young woman came up today with a gift for me
a necklace from a local artist. I ask her :why a gift for me? - because you are my prefered visitor!!!! nice to hear it!
I will talk to you about the tattoo man an other day....He is a real caracter!

Bonjour les amis,
demain je pars de cette Ile enchantee elle va me manquer cette charmante petite Ile surtout le village ou je suis restee une semaine . J'y ai rencontre des gens etonnants comme le Tattoo Man ,que je vous decrirais un autre jour. Mes deux nouvelles amies Ni et San deux femmes qui vivent ici depuis 14 ans. Une jeune fille d'Ottawa ville ou j'ai vecu 20 ans et surtout un charmant couple de l'Ile qui m'ont fait un petit cadeau parce que je suis leur visiteur prefere, c'est merveilleux!

Friday, December 22, 2006

from Kho Samui Island , de l'Ile de Kho samui

Apres plusieurs heures de train a travers la jungle et les rizieres de Thailande ,j' ai pris le ferry vers cette magnifique ile dans le golf de Thailande . Le vent etait tres fort et la mer assez agitee mais la traversee d 'une heure et demi c'est tres bien passee. Malheureusement le ciel et couvert et la mer trois jours apres mon arrivee est toujours aussi agitee c'est donc impossible de se baigner ou meme de rester sur la plage. Il y a beaucoup d'autres choses a faire et mon passe-temps : le massage Thai j'y vais presque chaque jour et c'est formidable ....
une journee c'est le massage des pieds le lendemain le massage du corps et aujourd'hui c'etait le visage seulement . Une vraie cure de jouvence!

to my americains friends:

long way to go from Bangkok to the wonderful Island of Kho Samui but the journey was great and very interesting . After three days I love it even if Mr.Sun did not showed up yet and the sea is so rough that the beaches disapeared...
Thai massage is my favorite hobby , it is good for your boby and your soul!
An other day I will talk about the food!!!! and as a french woman and good cook I can tell you already the food here it is a delight.

Friday, December 15, 2006

bonjour de Bangkok, Hello from Bangkok

Les voyages formrent la jeunesse , bien j'en ai bien besoin apres deux jours de voyageavec un 10 heures de transit a Seoul, je me sens un peu fatiguee. Bangkok est une ville pleine de contrastes et je ne suis pas decue de voir qu'elle correspond aux reves que je me faisais.Les temples le long de la riviere sont fabuleux aujourd'hui je vais essayer le massage thai ou sont formes les masseurs et masseuses, je vous en donnerai des nouvelles demain.

My first day in Bangkok after a very lon trip with 10 hours in Seoul in between planes.Bangkok is like in my dream wonderful and ugly, rich and poor in fact full of life. the guest house is like a dorm in college and people are nice and share their experiences with the new commers.
yesterday i took the sky team train and a boat to get to the temples and what a great view I will try today the Thai massage and will talk about it tomorrow.

Monday, December 11, 2006


After marrakech, after la Provence, wednesday I am going to start my trip around the world as a backpacker sometimes I feel very exited sometimes scared to death not knowing what I am going to do .... my first stop will be Bangkok , Hong Kong, Manille, Seoul, Hawaii, Los Angeles , Laguna beach, Boston , Marseille and will be back May first in Provence;

Pour mes amis francophones,
Je pars la semaine prochaine pour mon premier tour du monde je serai de retour en Mai meme si tout parait simple quelquefois j'ai une peur panique devant l'inconnu. je verrai des pays fabuleux je rencontrerai des gens extraordinaires et je vous donnerai des nouvelles de temps en temps

Friday, November 24, 2006

Marrakech ,first step

j'ai retrouve mes amis de longue date et deux nouvelles femmes qui m'ont accompagnée tout le sejour, la plupart du temps nous sommes restées a Marrakech avec quelques excusions que conduisait mon ami Benasser; voir son site . nous sommes aller a Essaouira ou nous avons mangé sur le vieux port les poissons tout juste arrivés, grilles au feu de bois. Une journée pleine de soleil de couleur et de parfum; le retour vers Marrakech plutot special! la route encombree de mules de voitures de camions de vélos sans lumières de motocyclettes pas mieux emanchées sans oublier les piétons qui ressemblent a des fourmis en djellaba, épique!!!!! Bravo Benasser tu es champion...


with my new friends Mary and Nola we decided to stay most of the time in town , endless of discovery in those small alleys of the medina.
Nola and I went to the hammam near by our riad, it was my first time ....I did not know what to expect but wanted to try!
GREAT! you feel 10 years younger and feel each muscle of your body! first undressed, then the steam room where steam water soap (special one) make your skin soft , last about 30 minutes after that you lay on a bed and somebody scrub, scub your skin in fact peeled your old skin of your flesh...and then after a shower , heaven! come the massage 45 minutes of the best of the best with Argan oil , what a treat !!!! Relaxing time came after with a nice cup of minte tea.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

going around the world

I am leaving next monday starting my around the world trip,it is time for me to explore some countries but also I want to be by myself and try to found a better way of living and seeing more of the world will help me to found that way....
Boston will be my departure city from then France, Morocco, Thailand, Philippines, Hong Kong , South Corea, , U.S the South west and back to Boston, I will try to be a good girl and write in my blog as soon as I can dependent of the country and the internet coffe I might found on my road...
Why thoses countries? France , Provence I have a nice house there who needs some love, Marrakech I have friends there I didnot see for a long time, Thailand BangKok a dream since my childwood , Manilla and islands my son lives in Manilla as a english teacher, Hong Kong a place between two world who seems to get more and more the same... South Corea ,Seoul where my daughter lives as an english teacher, Hawai the most exotic place and south west of U.S a place that moves my heart

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

last September trip to Taos

First time in South West, wonderful inspiration for artwork, a few miles north Abiquiu, the fascinating Ghost Ranch with is red rocks, mesas, and corrugared slopes was the site of my sefportrait . Would love to go back next spring

Monday, October 16, 2006

Maroc Morocco

une annee j'ai decide d'aller voir le desert du Sahara , je connaissais le Maroc mais pas son desert alors j'ai telephone a mon ami chauffeur s'il voulait bien m'accompagner
et moyennant quelques Dirham j'ai fait le plus beau voyage de ma vie....spectaculaire!

Sunday, October 15, 2006


people are a great source of inspiration like
lifeguards with red swimsuit, waiters and Chefs in restaurants, and more ... next time....

parlons peinture

Friday, October 13, 2006

Hiking and wine tasting

Brigitte Cheyrou Arts and Travel
I just get back from Provence with a small group of women , some of them came for painting and some came for walking or hiking we had a great time between huge meals and exercises.
the Luberon region in the south of France is perfect for excursions , food, wine, walking, hiking , next year I would love to prepare a trip with people interested in wine tasting .

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Brigitte Cheyrou artist and painting group leader, the last one of my trip was in Taos N.M. I am leaving today for La Provence in France and November it will be Marrakech in Morocco. Usualy I take a small group of 5 or 6 people and we share a house or a Riad . It is not a class, people can paint or do what ever they want , to be a painter is not mandatory we even accept spouses .....
I live in Cape Cod M.A. before that I was a french teacher in Canada and before that I was a young girl in France where I was born. Now in between three countries that I love I do not know which one is the best . Do not ask me to make a choice.
If you are interested in my adventure you can write to me , I will try to be useful.

You can find some of my art at and more on travel at -