Brigitte Cheyrou Arts and Travel

Notes of my being an artist as well as a leader/organizer of trips with small groups to different places, of interest to artists and non artists alike, such as Provence, Morocco, Taos, and for the adventurous, Thailand and the Philippines, etc.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Adventures with the Tattoo Man - Chez le Tattoo Man

First Visit
The time came, and I went to the house, old and wooden, of the Tattooman. It was really interesting! The first room was where the customers waited. There was a low table couvered with many books full of tattooing and all the walls were covered with photos of the results of his fine work, now I'm there too!
The second room was everything else, his kitchen, bedroom and above all, living room/workshop, where all everyone in the world came to watch the master in action. Whenever he had a new customer, all of his old ones would come to socialize and discuss the work-in-progress ... (imagine if the tattoo was being put on a private part of your body!!)

It was crazy wonderful; the instruments, the colours, the oils, the books, the designs, the walls covered with images of tattoos already done and those to come - and the music, loud music, very loud music - maybe to cover the noise of the tattooing instruments or the noise of the customers being tattooed!

It would be my turn soon ...

et pour mes amis français
D'abord le studio du Tattooman , deux pieces dans une vieille maison de bois , la
premiere piece , une salle d attente avec une table basse recouverte de
livres contenant des tatouages. Les murs sont recouverts des photos des
resultats de tatouages clients, maintenant le mien y est expose.
La deuxieme piece c est l atelier, la chambre a coucher , la cuisine et la
salle ou tout le monde se reunit pour voir le maitre en action, car des qu
il a un client plusieurs de ses anciens clients viennent pour discuter , c
est tres sociale...( imaginez si le tattoo est dans un coin prive de votre
Les intruments , les couleurs, les huiles, les livres, les dessins tout est
la un peu en foulli. Les murs sont couverts de dessins a venir ou deja
realises et la musique! tres forte , la musique est peut etre la pour
couvrir le bruit de l instrument de tatouage, ou pour les cris des clients
incapable de se controler!!!!

et puis moi ...


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